03 March 2010


Just a quick guide to these at a friend's request.

Head: Arcanum of Torment (Ebon Blade Revered)
Shoulders: Inscription of the Axe (Hodir Honored/Exalted)
Chest: Powerful Stats (+10 to all primary stats)
Back: Greater Speed (23 Haste) or Major Agility (22 Agility)
Wrists: Greater Assault (50 AP)
Hands: Precision (20 Hit) or Crusher (44 AP)
Belt: Eternal Belt Buckle (colorless gemslot)
Legs: Icescale Leg Armor
Boots: Icewalker (12 hit, 12 crit) or Greater Assault (32 AP)
Weapon: Berserking

If you have profession-specific enchants, use the AP version of those instead (shoulders for scribes, wrists for LW). Enchanters should use AP on their rings.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Agar!

    I am back to working on my ret spec I am determined to not suck at it!
