Apologies for the lack of posting, I didn't have anything to say because I ended up not playing for a few days because of real life issues. I am still around and still going to write when I have a reason to, like tonight.
Wyrmfoe has decided to go ahead and take the buff for ICC. I have somewhat mixed feelings about this in that I would like to kill things without it, but frankly I would also like to see the content and it might be a while before that happened without the buff. One thing that bears mentioning is that in many fights you will still wipe if you don't know what you're doing. If you don't know how to handle the Deformed Fanatic, he's still going to one-shot your tank, and if you don't handle Rotface's oozes right they can still kill you pretty easily. What it does do is give you a lot more breathing room for making small mistakes, and obviously it helps you with the fights that are less complicated quite a bit.
Last week with Wyrmfoe we didn't make any progress per se, and Blood Princes were still a huge hassle, but we spent a little time on Valithria so I got to see what that fight is like. Tonight (Friday) was this week's first raid and it went quite well. Cleared the Lower Spire without any problems (and I saw my first Bryntroll drop and won it as well!) and moved on to some progression stuff. Made our way to Rotface and jumped right in. A lot of us have killed him in 10 man, and the fight is easier in some ways on 25 (same number of slimes, meaning proportionally less loss of bodies to slimes) but it does have pretty significantly higher DPS requirements. Definitely took some doing and our final attempt of the night saw another guild first kill, with 3 people standing, none of whom were healers. In fact, they were Hrist (the Hate Tank), Frost (badass hunter and GM), and Ryfft (badass arcane mage). Frost and Hrist both managed to get people up with their shock cable things and rezzes went out.
Now as some of you may know, Rotface and Festergut drop the quest items you need for the first quest in the chain for Shadowmourne, the final Legendary of Wrath. Since only one person can get them at a time, killing him means its time to decide who is going to be the official guild choice for the axe. Apparently I have been showing some quality, since Hrist looted me the blood then opened trade and gave me 9 primordial saronites! So...I will apparently be making myself the counter to Frostmourne. The rest of the first quest involves collecting a total of 25 primordial saronite, which means spending money and frost emblems only on that for a while in all likelihood. Obviously the guild has helped a ton so far, and Hrist has announced a plan whereby people can essentially buy loot for saronite donations, which means I will be getting even more help.
This is actually an incredibly awesome moment for me. I have always felt like I was a good raider, but to have it validated by being given access to the best weapon I can possibly get from the expansion, and which we are not likely to have more than one or two of? It makes me feel like I am really contributing. That said, there is a long road ahead even after the saronites are collected. I have to drive the Abomination on Putricide, be the Blood-Mirror soaker guy on BQL, and some thing on Sindragosa that I can't remember. Oh yeah, and harvest a thousand souls in ICC and collect the randrom drop Shadowfrost Shards. Can't wait.
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred
2 months ago
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